Art Curators

Hi! Here is About Folim


Welcome to our virtual place. You will find calls for exhibitions and other opportunities for artists as well as a virtual shop of artworks

We are curators and art dealers, based in Paris, Santiago of Chile and Marseille.
We have promoted the careers of more than 200 artists in the field of art and new media.
In the visual arts such as painting, sculpture, photography, video and digital graphics, we have worked in art galleries in several cities of Europe;  selling artworks of the likes of the abstract Spanish group El Paso (Viola, Gordillo Suarez, Feito …) and other artists such as Jasper Johns and Alexander Calder.
We look for artists with quality in their technique, materials used and presentation of the work, while maintaining a conceptual basis to deepen in the evolution of their work.



We are a network of experts in contemporary art based in Europe, South America and Africa.

The exhibitions are the basis of our work. We organize everything in an exhibition : Selection of artists , concept , catalogs , brochures, flyers , promotions in social networks, inaugurations , sales and customer service.

Art Fairs

We participate in art fairs and we are constantly looking for opportunities in high-level fairs . We are specialized in assembling works in stands, selling artworks and promoting artists.


We want to present our artists in artistic and cultural circuits. Samples of their work in cultural or representational spaces give us another opportunity in the dissemination of art .

Critical texts

We develop conceptual basics for our exhibitions and advertising material ( press releases , articles, etc. ) . The documents that we produce seek to bring the work closer to the public and also to open a space for critical reflection .


The artists each need a dossier (price list, biography, pictures of their work...) in order for us to manage his communication on internet and real life. We help the creators develop all the aspects involved into their artistical professional field.


We consider important that artists participate in initiative samples with or without profit. We see the promotion as an investment. We produce catalogues, digital portfolios, social managing, etc.

Sara Malinarich is a strong leader who inspires as much as she challenges. Your influence on me personally is undeniable and has helped me grow immensely as an artist and creator.

Elyssa Lewis (USA)

Media writer

J’ai eu le plaisir de connaitre et découvrir votre travail durant Art Monaco en juillet 2015 et je dois dire que j’ai été tout de suite séduite. J’avais auparavant déjà écouté des commentaires sur votre travail comme commissaires, mais j’ai pu, là, le corroborer par moi même.

Danièle Biancheri

Consul Général de la Principauté de Monaco A Santiago du Chili

Personnellement j'ai apprécié le contenu, mais aussi le facteur humain et je suggère à tous ceux qui aiment l'art, de découvrir par eux-mêmes leur potentiel.

Paolo Tricotti

Consul Honoraire du Chili à Monaco


We are specialists in the better investment in art. Let us know what you are looking for.
sara Malinarich

General director and curator

M. de los Ángeles Swinburn

Executive manager