Art Curators

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Guillermina Carassale

GUILLERMINA CARASSALEGuillermina-CarassaleFrom:Argentine, ChileWEB SITE:Coming soonTECNICS:CollageEXHIBITIONS:Chile, Peru, USA, ArgentineFOLLOW:BUY HER ARTWORKSBIOGRAPHY Mi relación con el arte surge cuando era muy pequeña, por eso lo menciono como relación, ya que siempre estuve vinculada a todas las Bellas Artes. Me conecté con lo antiguo, con lo contemporáneo y lo moderno. Siempre integro en...


Julius Thiel

Julius ThielThielFrom:ChileWEB SITE:, Mixed media, Photography, New mediaEXHIBITIONS:Chile, Swiss, FranceFOLLOW: BUY HIS ARTWORKSBIOGRAPHY My works are born on a simple sheet of paper, where I paint abstract themes, landscapes, flowers, nudes and portraits in watercolor or tempera, which I then submit to my particular creative process in the virtual world....