Carnival is a distributed telepresence system based on electronic and digital devices, which we call modules. Carnevale creates a network of interconnected assets facilitating the exchange of data in real time between two or more points and simultaneously opens a passage in cyberspace for the incorporation of other presences and interactions.
For this installation, we have introduced a very particular module, which we have named “Rachael Runner” or also ” Twitter module ” . This virtual module is presented as a Twitter user who , on one hand, allows the entry of ” tweets ” in the system , and on the other hand, Rachael responds to users, allowing them to participate in a human-machine relationship. So , as the system , Rachael Runner appears as a “global conscience” that tracks messages from the “cloud ” , introducing those that include concepts related to the dialectic of telepresence , and connects them with other modules , producing changes in the installation that symbolize the struggle between opposites. As the remote users , Rachael appears through its responses as a virtual-subject that transmits messages and concepts that are behind this piece. At this point, INTACT resorted once more to ideas of José Val del Omar (1904-1982) , tweeting quotations of this filmmaker – poet -inventor , for example :
” It is now time to understand that machines have come to extend the horizons of man, to save you the effort with their collaboration and attach it to an exact embrace of jagged networks without imprisoning his soul” José Val del Omar ( 1904-1982 ) .
” Divide and conquer “is an abominable slogan for those, loving , who have come to unite , for whom we hear that great Pontiff Prometheus ‘
“There is in substance a Collective Awarenesss enlightening and drilling our miseries »
“We are nervous terminals of the collective retina.»