Chile in Santiago. Between 2001 and 2004 she studied for her visual arts degree with a mention in painting at the Universidad Finis Terrae in Santiago, where she studied under Bororo at the drawing faculty. In 2006 she became a tutorial professor at the drawing chair imparted by Valentina Cruz at the Universidad Finis Terrae in Santiago.
Between 2008 and 2009 she lived in Michigan, Detroit, U.S.A., where she presented her works at the Expressiones Cultural Center in New London as well as at the I-Park artist enclave, where she was invited to hold a residence in order for her to develop a project for the intervention of the landscape —lakes and forests— with her paintings and drawings. She also executed an installation at the Tres Onas forest, on a ninety-meter tall araucaria tree extended on the bottom of a hill. All these works were prepared for the 2009 Environmental Arts Biennale.
In early 2011 Catalina Rojas inaugurated the Art of Light Museum, consisting of a nocturnal openair gallery on the shore of the Mapocho river, thus turning it in the only river illuminated with paintings and drawings in the world. Overt ten millions people have visited it.