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Guillermina Carassale

GUILLERMINA CARASSALEGuillermina-CarassaleFrom:Argentine, ChileWEB SITE:Coming soonTECNICS:CollageEXHIBITIONS:Chile, Peru, USA, ArgentineFOLLOW:BUY HER ARTWORKSBIOGRAPHY Mi relación con el arte surge cuando era muy pequeña, por eso lo menciono como relación, ya que siempre estuve vinculada a todas las Bellas Artes. Me conecté con lo antiguo, con lo contemporáneo y lo moderno. Siempre integro en...


Eva Holz

GUILLERMINA CARASSALEEVA-HOLZ-MSB-ART-CURATORSFrom:Israel, ChileWEB SITE: et mixed tech.EXHIBITIONS:Washington, Florida, Colorado, Philadelphia, New York (USA). New Delhi (India). Santiago (Chile). Paris (France), Canada, KoreaFOLLOW:BUY HER ARTWORKSBIOGRAPHY About the Artist "Art is what gives me life, it gives me energy to continue" "Neither so realistic nor so abstract" Eva Holz is an outstanding...


Julius Thiel

Julius ThielThielFrom:ChileWEB SITE:, Mixed media, Photography, New mediaEXHIBITIONS:Chile, Swiss, FranceFOLLOW: BUY HIS ARTWORKSBIOGRAPHY My works are born on a simple sheet of paper, where I paint abstract themes, landscapes, flowers, nudes and portraits in watercolor or tempera, which I then submit to my particular creative process in the virtual world....

Arturo Fermandois_Portafolio OBRAS-42

Arturo Fermandois

Arturo Fermandoisarturo_fermandoisFrom:ChileWEB SITE:under construction...TECNICS:GraphicEXHIBITIONS:Chile, france, USAFOLLOW:BUY HIS ARTWORKSBIOGRAPHY Arturo Fermandois Santa Cruz (Santiago, 1989) is a Chilean visual artist and architect dedicated to digital art. His work is a geometric exploration around the concept of instability and human perception. His method of work is based on the graphical application of...


Rachael Runner

RACHAEL RUNNER (BOT)rachael_runner_bot_msbFrom:World Wide WebAUTHORS:INTACT ( artEXHIBITIONS:USA (LA), Paris, Madrid, Monaco...FOLLOW: BUY HER RTWORKSOn Twitter Tweets by Rachael_Runner from CARNIVAL PROJECT MODULAR SYSTEM OF DISTRIBUTED TELEPRESENCE Carnival is a distributed telepresence system based on electronic and digital devices, which we call modules. Carnevale creates a network of interconnected assets facilitating...


Gonzalo Sánchez Serrano (Pikti)

GONZALO SÁNCHEZ (PIKTI)pikti_portraitFrom:ChileAWARDS:Best Professor (twice)TECNICS:Electronic art devices and drawingEXHIBITIONS:Chile, France, USA...FOLLOW: BUY HIS ARTWORKS Pikti is a visual artist, formed by Virginia Huneeus and Ernesto Banderas, has participated in Eugenio's workshops Dittborn, Carlos Montes de Oca and Arturo Duclos. Has worked with Chilean flyers made by artisans as a support...

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Large scale art is more than just an oversized painting, it is larger than life, often massive enough to fill a room. Its impact is deliberate and it is meant to overwhelm by itself, command a space, and dwarf everything else that comes near it.

Enveloping the viewer and dominating interior spaces, large scale paintings create an impact. Artists and their patrons have utilized size to display power and prestige to impress their audiences. In 18th century Europe, history painting was considered to be the most important genre, above portraiture, still life, and landscape, and thus was executed on bigger canvases by artists like Jacques-Louis David and Benjamin West.


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MSB Art Curators Projects

2023 - 2024

Online 3D Gallery

Interactive art gallery


34 Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris

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+33 06 50 41 34 02


34 Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France


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Sara Malinarich is a strong leader who inspires as much as she challenges. Your influence on me personally is undeniable and has helped me grow immensely as an artist and creator.

Elyssa Lewis (USA)

Media writer

J’ai eu le plaisir de connaitre et découvrir votre travail durant Art Monaco en juillet 2015 et je dois dire que j’ai été tout de suite séduite. J’avais auparavant déjà écouté des commentaires sur votre travail comme commissaires, mais j’ai pu, là, le corroborer par moi même.

Danièle Biancheri

Consul Général de la Principauté de Monaco A Santiago du Chili

Personnellement j'ai apprécié le contenu, mais aussi le facteur humain et je suggère à tous ceux qui aiment l'art, de découvrir par eux-mêmes leur potentiel.

Paolo Tricotti

Consul Honoraire du Chili à Monaco